If you are reading this post on Adsense approval trick then it seems like you already’ve a blog or planning to start a blog. If you are just planning to start a blog then I recommend having a look for 2 ultimate guides on How to start blog in 7 steps and WordPress vs Blogger difference. Both of these guides will solve all your major problem related to your blogging journey. The main source of earning by doing blogging is Google Adsense and many of us are getting rejections by the Adsense approver team. What are the reasons and how to overcome those? But If you are a beginner and not know about what is Google Adsense and how it works then it is worth looking first and read other later. In this guide, I will share with you a few proven 5 top google Adsense approval trick which can help you to get guaranteed approval & minimize rejections & in addition, you will get an idea when your blog d...